Sunday, December 21, 2008

Introduction to TrackMania

This post is for all of you who are not familiar with TrackMania and what it really offers. First off, everyone should be familiar with a little history of TrackMania.

TrackMania got its start as TrackMania (now known as TMO or TrackMania Original).
It had 3 environments (Desert, Rally, Snow) which each offered different driving styles and challeneges for the driver. It also had the Track Editor in which the player could design any track with the hundreds of track pieces, in each of the three enviornmnets.

About a year later, TrackMania Sunrise was released. This brought a new menu interface to players, and a better online experience. The 3 environments of Desert, Rally, and Snow were replaced by Island, Coast, and Bay. These environments offered completely new and VERY fast racing styles. The Track editor was updated and had new pieces and features and an advanced feature known as the Media Tracker, in which players could create their own movies that accompanied the track while players race.
Good examples of the Media Tracker would be an intro clip before the player actually races the track.

Then, TrackMania Nations ESWC the free game was released about another year later. This offered one brand new environment called Stadium. This free version came with the Track Editor and Media Tracker, but this version did not include Coppers (the currency of TrackMania which was included in the 2 previous TrackMania games). Coppers did not do much at this point, accept allow you to have more pieces for the Track Editor.

The next version of TrackMania was revolutionary. TrackMania United included All 7 enviornmnets from the previous versions of TrackMania. (Desert, Snow, Rally, Bay, Island, Coast, and Stadium.) TrackMania United had a huge online community, introduced ManiaLinks in which players could use their coppers to buy things like custom Cars, Tracks, Mods, and many other things. TrackMania United also upgraded and updated the graphics from the previous TrackMania versions. United was HUGE! There were massive online servers, and TrackMania became one of the greatest games of all times.

The next two versions of TrackMania were updates for TrackMania Nations and TrackMania United. TrackMania Nations ESWC became TrackMania Nations Forever with the free Forever expansion update. The Forever expansion update allowed TrackMania Nations Forever players to play online with TrackMania United Forever players.
TrackMania United was updated to TrackMania United Forever which totally turned the world upside down. United Forever was updated with a new interface (one that almost matched Nations Forever). In solo race mode, you could choose to race either Nations tracks (just stadium Environment) or United tracks (all environments). This offers hundreds and hundreds of progressively harder challenges.

Today there are thousands of people playing TrackMania, and it just keeps growing and growing.
Go here to download TrackMania Nations Forever (the free version) from TrackMania's website.
Go here to buy TrackMania United Forever from TrackMania's website.

Also check out and discover all the coolness!

TrackMania 5th Year Anniversary

Hello all! TrackMania just had its 5th year anniversary.
Heres a video to celebrate it:

For those of you who haven't been with TrackMania for all these years, check out the video to see what its all about.

If you have never heard of trackmania, check it out! There is a free version of the game available as well called TrackMania Nations Forever.

Tips, Tracks, Hints, Cheats, and Cars for TrackMania coming soon!

-The TrackManiac

Saturday, December 20, 2008

TrackMania Style Forever

Welcome to TrackMania Style Forever!
This site has awesome help, tips, cheats, tracks, cars, and everything related to trackmania.

Everything on this site is compatible with TrackMania Nations Forever and TrackMania United Forever unless otherwise noted.

Tons of awesome help is on its way.

Race on